Value Proposition Canvas

In my work with B2B SaaS entrepreneurs who are on the journey from a great idea + a dev or two, to reaching market fit and global scale πŸš€, the most common clarifying question I find myself asking them is, β€œwho is your ideal customer, and what problems are you solving for them?”

My go-to tool for eliciting answers about the customer problems to be solved, to ensure that any solution not only relieves their pain points πŸ’Š but also helps your customers achieve their goals 🎯, is the Value Proposition Canvas by Strategyzer.

It's rare to find a tool like this that works equally well for global software leaders like Xero and Vend by Lightspeed, as for tech companies that are just getting started - making it truly one of the GOATs of product strategy.

But the secret to this (lean in I am telling you an actual secret) is that it’s not about the content you land on that’s important, but the process you go through in completing it. Including a broad set of team members in a value proposition workshop not only elicits the most diverse and useful inputs, but makes any resulting strategy more β€œsticky” due to the intrinsic motivation cultivated in the participants.

If you're at that inflection point where you know you have something valuable and want to keep your team’s focus and energy pointed in the right direction, give this canvas a try. Let me know how you get on using it!


The Most Powerful ⚑️ Questions a Product Manager Can Ask


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